Sunday, May 31, 2015

Video Presentation Freeware Focusky to Turn PPTs into Video Presentations

There is a tendency that more and more video presentations are uploaded to video websites. Compared with slideshows, video presentations have more platforms to expose, and more attractive. Then is it possible to turn slideshows into video presentations? The answer is “Yes”!

Free video presentation software – Focusky – serves to transform a slideshow to an interactive video presentation easily and quickly. Thus it saves your time and energy to learn a new tool to make video presentations. Besides, you can create Focusky presentations not only from zero but out of PPT files. For green hands, importing PPT files is a suggested way to produce video presentations since it is easier and quicker. 

Check out the following step-by-step tutorial on how to make video presentations with Focusky.

Step1. Set up Focusky and sign in.
P.S. If you have not yet Focusky, please click here to download.

Step2. Click “New Project From PPT” and choose files (*.ppt or *.pptx) to make a Focusky presentation.
a.       Select the slides you want to add to the project;
b.       Choose a slide layout;
There are seven kinds of layout, including Circle Layout, Curve Layout, Fork Layout, Helix Layout, Matrix Layout, Radiation Layout and Tree Layout. You can choose one of them according to the structure of your digital presentation.
c.       Choose a template;
d.       Create the project.

Step3. Edit the presentation;
You can add or delete slides, embed multimedia, add animations and so on.

Step4. Publish the presentation;
Click the button of “Publish” on the top right corner -> In the pop-up window, choose “Video” and click “Next” -> Choose a file to save the presentation -> Set advanced options, like video size, path duration, and background music -> Click “Publish” to output the presentation.

Step5. Share the video presentation.
           You can upload the video presentation to YouTube, Vimeo and other video websites, or share it on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.